We have gathered a range of useful resources and recommendations that we are excited to share with you. This collection consists of books, seminars, videos, and podcasts created by neurodivergent individuals. These resources offer insider perspectives on various aspects of life with different types of neurodivergence, providing a wealth of knowledge and understanding for children to adults.
- Enjoy!
Age: Young child
A Day With No Words by Tiffany Hammond 2023: This story is a first person narrative from the perspective of an autistic child living his life with joys, activities and friends.
Age: Tweens
The Someday Birds by Sally J. Pla: This story is a first person narrative of a 12 year old autistic boy as he goes on a road trip to visit his father in the hospital. He encounters misunderstanding family members, and explores ways to connect with others.
The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism: by Naoki Higashida: In this book Naoki answers common questions about autism and shares his point of view with the world.
Age: Teens
Paige Not Found by Jen Wilde: In this story an autistic girl named Paige has a chip implanted in her head. The chip helps her parents understand her and know where she is. It was placed in her head without her consent. When she finds out she goes on a quest to find others like her and share her awareness.
On The Edge Of Gone by Corinne Duyvis: In this story Denise, a biracial autistic teenager and her mother who self medicates must shelter as a comet threatens all life on earth. They must prove themselves if they are to be on an escape pod.
Failure to Communicate by Kaia Sønderby: In this story an autistic woman is in charge of negotiating with a new alien race, but with a deadly weapon and insecure loyalty on her own side, she finds communication challenging with everyone.
The State of Grace by Rachael Lucas: In this story, Grace is an autistic teenager, she navigates bullying and relationships both platonic and romantic.
Age: Adults
We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation by Eric Garcia: Eric Garcia uses personal experiences to examine support, social and policy gaps to reveal the inadequacies of systems that do not support autistic people. In this book the perspectives of autistic people with higher visible traits, people in the LGBTQ+ and people of color are given space to share.
Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You by Jenara Nerenberg: This book highlights the misunderstanding of neurodiversity in women and the importance of neurodiverse thinking in society.
The autistic Brain by Temple Grandin: In this book Temple Grandin explains perception, social interaction and a new view of society.
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price: In this book Deven Price shares his personal experiences with autism.
Songs of the Gorilla Nation: My Journey Through Autism by Dawn Prince-Hughes: In this book Dawn Prince-Hughes shared her experiences as an undiagnosed person with autism and her special interests of gorillas.
What I Mean When I Say I'm autistic by Annie Kotowicz: In this book Annie Kotowicz shared her experiences as an undiagnosed person with autism.
All the Weight of Our Dreams: On Living Racialized Autism by Nancy Marhshall: In this book Nancy Marhshall explains the intersectionality of race and autism.
Loud Hands: autistic People, Speaking by Julia Bascom: This book is a collection of essays written by autistic authors.
ADHD A hunter in a farmer's world by Thom Hartmann: In this book, Thom Hartmann shares strategies and celebrates ADHD brains.
Adult Education: Seminars
"Unmasking Autism" with Dr. Devon Price: Dr. Devon Price discusses masking, models and creativity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k4wS5W_xWw Time - one hour and 20 minutes
Temple Grandin: "The Autistic Brain": Temple Grandin discusses the importance of varying brains and how each can be supported through shared interests and exploration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWePrOuSeSY Time - one hour
Dr. Sara M. Acevedo "Organizational Strategy and Neurodiversity" #DisabledLatinx2018 Conference: Dr Sara Acevedo discusses the history, social model of Autism, intersectionality, rights and parenting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkiwJXkTm6c Time - one hour
Adult Education: Ted Talks
Behind the Mask: Autism for Women and Girls | Kate Kahle | TEDxAustinCollege: Kate Kahle discusses her experiences with masking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbes1mm2VgM Time - 14 minutes
Educating Different Kinds of Minds | Temple Grandin | TEDxCSU: Temple Grandin explains the importance of diverse and exploratory education. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqntS1YRRO4 Time - 18 minutes
Asperger's, not what you think it is | Krister Palo | TEDxYouth@ISH: Krister questions perceptions of Autism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inxIM1aGvZY Time - 8 minutes
My brain isn’t broken | Tashi Baiguerra | TEDxLondon: Tashi Baiguerra shares the importance of understanding the visibility of the Autism spectrum, stereotypes, Autism traits, individuality, respect and her lived experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8j1fcQiyBU Time - 12 minutes
What autistic people can teach you about communication | Kalen Sieja | TEDxCU: Kalen shares how they believe autistic communication can contribute to society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79HMPQj55yc Time - 8 minutes
Autism: give me a chance and I will change everything | Noah Britton |TEDxNewEnglandCollege: Noah Britton discusses autistic sensory sensitivity, expression, understanding and forgiveness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkD9d8qzB-g Time - 9 minutes
Dyslexia and Learning Disability
How I overcame my learning disabilities to become a physician | John Rhodes | TEDxCharleston. John Rhodes shares his personal story of determination and support. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3rbevc-5Ac Time - 15 minutes
The Secret Upside of Dyslexia: Not a Disability but a Superpower | Ryan Conlan | TEDxPCL: Ryan Conlan shares the positive qualities of dyslexia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMrUxxmMz8g Time - 16 Minutes
Schizophrenia and Bipolar
Lessons from losing my mind: Andy Dunn shares his personal experience with schizophrenia and the support he needed. https://www.ted.com/talks/andy_dunn_lessons_from_losing_my_mind?subtitle=en&trigger=5s Time - 14 minutes
Adult Education: Videos
What Exactly is Neurodiversity? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALJ3CFRRZpo - Time - 6 minutes
Do All Autistic People Think The Same? | Spectrum: A group of autistic youth explore common questions about Autism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoWSuxBy6oo Time - 17 minutes
Things Not To Say To An autistic Person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d69tTXOvRq4 Time - 4 minutes
The Aspie World, Autism Meltdown vs Panic Attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJAjvdP9zzc Time - 8 minutes
Autism in GIRLS: 5 Social Anxiety Traits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxJwH74o1Ck Time - 18 minutes
An Interview with an Autistic Adult: TJ shares her communication tools and experiences with communication. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOa-HOuBTCQ Time - 13 minutes
Communicating with Autistic People: This video explains differences in autistic vs allistic communication styles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBMJaj9_R44 Time - 12 minutes
The BEST tip for Parents of Autistic Kids: Focus on what you and your child share. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j6fxcRXF60 Time - 9 minutes
12 Autistic Parenting Tips to Quiet the Chaos at Home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-POT1xr8jvE Time - 30 minutes
Autistic Parenting Challenges & Tips: Feat @MomontheSpectrum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOlXYTW9B6o Time - 40 minutes
Influencer Baylen Dupree Explains Life with Severe Tourette’s Syndrome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYmDgWYcxAk Time - 6 minutes
How to ADHD: This channel explores the challenges and strategies people with ADHD use to support themselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMpt40zNK-w Time - 9 minutes
Tania Peterman on living with FASD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pe1acd0CHI Time - 4 minus
Morgan Fawcett on living with FASD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0VrkLQfkFg Time - 7 minutes
Stephen DeJoseph on Living with FASD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cXIDjEakDs Time - 8 minutes
A Different Brilliant: Orion Kelly explores parenting as an autistic parent of an autistic child.
I have ADHD: Kristen Carder shares personal experiences, strategies and validation for people with ADHD
Lessons in Dyslexic Thinking: Kate Grigges explores dyslexic thinking with a variety of co-hosts.